Escrime Uliège

Escrime ULiège

   L'escrime à l'Université de Liège

/!\ Attention, il n'y a pas cours /!\

Du 21 octobre au 3 novembre :
  Congés de Toussaint
Infos sur les cours à Angleur :

  •  Mardi de 20h00 à 22h00
  •  Initiations à l'épée et au sabre
  •  Cours épée et sabre pour confirmés

  • Prochain cours :
    Mardi 5 novembre 2024 à 20 h 00
    Infos sur les cours à Embourg :

  •  Lundi :
    • De 19h00 à 20h30
      • Cours sabre pour confirmés
    • De 19h30 à 21h30
      • Initiations à l'épée
      • Cours épée pour confirmés
    Prochain lundi à Embourg :
    Lundi 4 novembre 2024 à 19 h 30

  •  Jeudi :
    • De 18h30 à 20h30
      • Cours sabre pour confirmés
    • De 19h00 à 20h30
      • Cours épée pour confirmés
    Prochain jeudi à Embourg :
    Jeudi 7 novembre 2024 à 19 h 00

    Informations in English

    What is fencing ?

    In a few words ? Fencing is a sword fighting combat sport !
    But maybe you want a better and longer definition ?

    Fencing is a fast-paced, dynamic sport, as well as a noble and elegant activity requiring quick reactions, immediate decisions, courage and perseverance.
    It is an European combat sport. It is the art of hitting your opponent with the point (or blade) of your weapon, without being hit.

    There are 3 weapons in modern "Olympic" fencing : Epee, Sabre and Foil (we don't do that last one in our section at the moment).
           A fourth weapon exists within some federations (but not at the olympic level at the moment) : Lightsaber.
    Each one has its own set of rules, we'll go into details during our courses.

    Information about Escrime ULiège

    Where can I train ?
    Our section offers training at 2 locations :
    • In Angleur
      • Hall Omnisport d'Angleur n°3 - 5, Rue des Coudriers- 4031 Angleur
      • This is the main location to train for newcomers
    • In Embourg
      • Hall Omnisport d'Embourg - Au Chession - 4053 Embourg
      • Fencers of ULiège Sports can participate in trainings done by Cercle Escrime Embourg
      • Only in Embourg : You need to rent your equipment for 25€/year
    When can I train ?
    • In Angleur :
      • Tuesdays, 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm
      • This training is open to newcommers (Epee and Sabre) but also recreational fencers (at those weapons)
    • In Embourg :
      • Mondays
        • 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm - Course for experienced Sabre fencers
        • 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm - Course for newcommers (Epee)
        • 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm - Course for experienced Epee fencers
      • Thusdays
        • 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm - Course for experienced Sabre fencers
        • 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm - Course for experienced Epee fencers
    What do we do during a course ?
    As a general rule, our courses are divided into 4 parts:
    • A general warm-up
    • Fencing-specific "physical" work
    • Group (and/or individual) lessons
    • Friendly matches

    Want to join us ?

    You first have to register at ULiège Sports and choosing the "Fencing" (Escrime) subscription.

    Want to contact us ?

    The best way is to send us and we'll answer as soon as possible.